Awesome game!

User Rating: 9.5 | Syberia PC
Great game! great story and great characters! if you are a fan of the point & click adventure games like Broken Sword then this is the game for you! the puzzles are at a great difficulty aswell, not too hard that you give up and not too easy, they just make you think enough to solve them, very good! playing the 2nd game now! =) so i will write a review about that when i have finished, although i have noticed the puzzles to be abit harder already on the the 2nd game, i hope this does not spoil it for me!

Considering the game is now 5 years old it still looks great, the only thing that got abit repetative was the fact that every new are you arrived at on the train you had to wind up the train, this almost every time leading onto something else that goes wrong, this happens alot throughout the game, but not enough to make you get bored or want to stop playing!