This is an amazing adventure game, one of the best to come out this first decade of the 21st Centuary so far.

User Rating: 9.2 | Syberia PC
Gameplay: Syberia's opening scene set you up by letting you know that there are strange things going to happen. It starts off on the quaint, aged streets of a tiny town in the French Alps called Valadilene, an eerie funeral cortege makes its way through the rain toward the local cemetery. Slowly following the carriage are a handful of life-size metal automatons wearing top hats and carrying umbrellas. They continue their solemn, silent march through the cemetery gates. The Character you play is Kate Walker she is a associate with a New York law firm, and she's been sent all the way to Valadilene to secure a major business deal. That busness deal is with the Voralberg family, makers of clockwork toys and automatons. Though now the factory days now seem numbered. Then you can't find Anna Voralberg and then you find out that she had died so you have to find her brother Hans Voralberg to sigh the papers in order to have the factory sold. Once you find him he gets you to find some mammoth stuff because he thinks they still exists. The Puzzles in the game are quite challenging and may talk a while to complete and you need to ask people diffrent things to get around and such and be sure to talk to them about everything in your diologe option box. The reason being is that things are usually triggered after you talk about that certain topic with the person or Aromiton you are talking to. The controls for the Xbox Version is strate forward, you use your anolog sticks to move Kate around and use the the other buttons for talking and interacting with items. Voice acting is well done but some of the diologe could of used a little more work and creativity.

Graphics: The graphics in this game are abolutly breathtaking. It's a very nice blend of 2-D background and with the 3-D foreground. Even the cut scenes are very well done and it feels like you are watching a movie. The only problem is when the human caracters movie they seem a bit stiff to me.

Sound: Great sound, it really gets you emotionally involved in the game and sometimes gives you the creeps in sertain areas, I have forgot what areas because it's been a while since I played this game.

Value: There is great replay value to this game because of it's intresting story and memorable characters. All in all this is a great game both the Xbox and PC versions and I would Highly recommend this game to anyone who like Aventure games. Heck even if you don't often play adventure games just play it because it has a great story. And for thoughs who can't figger out the puzzles but sorry I guess your just to stupid to figger them out.
I give this game 9 out of 10.