one of my beloved games

User Rating: 9.7 | Syberia PC
I think this was the first adventure game i ever played and the first that touched me. It is a very beautiful story with lots of details almost credible, with well designed and performance characters , graphics that could take your breath away and sounds perfect matched with the atmosphere. The story is about finding the unknown,and of your self, fear of the unknown, and your self. It is a game that proves that there is always something much bigger, much important then what you already know and think and it's about mystery - that men will always be fascinating about the unknown, always wants to learn and discover. This game also proves that there are still men with genial and brightened brains that can still make and invent beautiful things - thanks Microids. What can i say? I was very impressed by this game, and i couldn't find anything that bothered me during playing this game, everything went smoothly,no bugs no crashes no nothing like that.

This is a great game not just for playing it but also for a collection.
