User Rating: 9 | Syberia PC
I'm not much of an adventure gamer, but I really enjoyed Syberia. The graphics are absolutely stunning, and the story is actually, well, compelling. The unfolding mystery drives the game forward and the sub-plots are pleasant rather than distracting. I found myself taking an interest in the characters--especially the game's protagonist, Kate Walker. She grows throughout the game as a result of her experiences, giving the game the quality of a good film or novel, unlike most adventure games. There is more to Syberia than simply clicking items until you find something that works with something else; the puzzles are fairly straight-forward and involve a minimum of merely chasing from one area to another. With the exception of one maddeningly frustrating puzzle (you'll know it when you see it) I found that progress through the game was challenging enough to keep me interested but not so difficult to send my scurrying for hints. My only complaint about the game is its length. It was not so short that I felt ripped off--quality, not quantity is truly the measure of this game--but considering its $30.00 price tag, I expected more than the 8 or so hours of play it took me to move through the story. However, considering the vast amounts of junk out there costing far more, I don't mind spending $30 for such a well-done game. All in all, Syberia combines a engrossing story with ingenious puzzles--all set against the one of the most beautiful backdrops in all of gaming. This non-adventure gamer is looking forward to Syberia II.