More of an interactive story than an adventure game. Captivating story and visuals with little to no challenge.

User Rating: 6.5 | Syberia PC
Syberia is a beautiful piece of art. The backdrops, cities, building and basic designs of all the visuals are intriguing and pleasing to the eye. However the fact that this is a game is kind of a joke.

This game has all the elements required of a great adventure game. Story, Visuals, Originality, even the voice acting it above average. However all of these elements seem to collapse on top of each other without the proper foundation of gameplay. There is almost no difficulty at all throughout the entire game. Imagine some of the great point and click adventure games out there but with all the room for errors removed. You really can't make a mistake in this game. There are no commands, no options, there is simply one thing to do, and that is click. Only the important things are clickable also, you can't even attempt to fiddle with something unimportant to the completion of the game because its simply not an option. This makes the game extremely easy and short. Basically you can complete this game fairly easily and quickly if you follow one simple rule: If you can click on something, click on it. There are inventory items, but still these are obvious where and when to use and offer minor interaction. If you are attempting to use the wrong item in the wrong place it won't even allow you to click, it will just show an x over the icon. Throughout each main area of the game you maybe have 10-15 things to try items on max, so even if you somehow don't realize the right combination you can just try each item on everything and see results quickly. You can't use items on other items in your inventory or put something where it doesn't belong. Everything you can pick up you just pick up, you can't even look at it first.

Now, besides the lack of difficulty there is one other major flaw in this game, and that is the speed. Every single character and action takes what seems like a lifetime. Something as simple as turning around is regrettable because of how long it takes. When you come to stairs you will find yourself giving a sigh as you watch her slowly run to the start of the steps, stop, reposition herself, and then slowly walk up the stairs. Also characters seem to have to turn 360 degrees to talk to you most of the time with the way the game is set up, and this 360 degree turn takes longer than you could imagine. I'm serious too, if this game had a decent speed to character movement I guarantee it would be at least 2 hours shorter.

I know I've mostly talked about the bad, but really I feel like the good is obvious, and can be seen in most other reviews. All in all the game is decent. I didn't get bored enough that I quit early, I actually completed it, although it was quite short and easy as I have said. If you're looking for a good story that you can glide through with little resistance, this is your game. If you are looking for a challenge or anything that really feels like I game, then you should probably find something else.