Syberia is in an exploration of exactly how tedious and devoid of challenge an adventure game can be. A total failure.

User Rating: 3 | Syberia PC
Oh, what fun, to wander aimlessly from one hand-drawn static picture to another back-and-forth, back-and-forth searching for a hotspot to click on (what irony in the protagonist's name, Kate WALKER - get it? - she's named after what she does all game long). Oh, the thrill of listening to the wooden, flaccid characters explaining their uninteresting, empty lives to the equally insipid heroine. A storyline as bland as an unspiced meatball, and "puzzles" that involve no application of problem-solving or thought; Syberia was a cripplingly painful nail into MY coffin as an old-school fan of this beloved genre. "Benoit Sokal" as the game's opening sequence proudly proclaims it to be the creation of, whoever on Earth he might be, is clearly a pretentious fool of the worst kind to produce such rubbish.