From what the gaming store clerk said, this was supposed to b a good game. she was righter than she said.

User Rating: 7.5 | Shinyaku Seiken Densetsu GBA
When I saw the cover, it didn't look like much to me, but I remembered the SNES and the first game, so i gave it a shot. I liked it, but not as much as Secret of mana (Or whatever it was called its been too long for me to remember). With that game you kept your teammates once you picked them up. With this one you keep swapping them around. I loved the music to it, especially the stuff when fighting Julius (Or Vandole) but another thing I didn't like about it was that the hero (Since he didn't really get a name I can't really put one down) didn't get either of the girls. I could see the reason for the main girl-role to not be her, but I liked amanda, so I was a bit mad when they killed her off. Still a good game, and I am happy to say I don't think I'll be trading it in for a different one....ever! (What does the score thingie mean when it says Reveiwer's tilt? I don't get it.)