Dont Diss This Game. Theres Plenty of stuff to do.

User Rating: 9.1 | Shinyaku Seiken Densetsu GBA
This Game is Great. This held the title of my favourite game for YEARS.
The game takes about 19 hours to beat the first time around as the boy.
but about 20 hours of gameplay as the girl because the game is harder as the girl.
The game has plenty of challenges to keep you occupied thanks to the different unlockable weapons and monsters (Black Monsters). The system used for the time of the day was excellent. The graphics are as excellent as ever. The Music for human bosses (Dark Lord and Julius) is very cool as is the music for the "Limbo" map. The System for both magic and physical combat has few glitches that make it harder to fight.

The Negative Information: -Learning to use magic can be difficult at first.
-There is no way to continue your character after you complete the game's main campain.
-The Characters waste time grieving all the deaths in the game (mana villiage's citizens, hero's parents, amanda, medusa, devius, dark lord, marshall, and heroine) In fact the only person that doesnt have an emotional death is Julius