Basic RPG, with little and alot of replay value. Should be harder, but isn't.

User Rating: 6.9 | Shinyaku Seiken Densetsu GBA
This RPG should have been harder, only died in a few boss battles my first time through and when I got stuck in a group of monster (not being able to move). Other than that it is almost too easy. Storyline is somewhat poor, but if you read it, it makes sense. The second time through though, things are all too easy. By then, you have mastered using the weapon you choose, you know how to get through, and it can take only three hits on the final boss if you make a crystal sword. But it is still somewhat fun in your second time through, being able to kill things with awesome skills.
Should have been harder, but is still a good (not great) RPG. Best for a pass time.