It sure beats pictochat

User Rating: 9 | Itsu no ma ni Koukan Nikki 3DS
This 3DS feature allows you to send notes to friends and draw pictures and add photo's and voice recordings.This is better then pictochat because there is more features.This is a great 3DS add on and it is free.This is a great feature to use if you want to chat with friends.This is the best free app on the 3DS.If you have a 3DS then get this great feature.The feature in this that make it really awesome are. 1.Add photo
2.Add recording
3.Pop out 3D feature

Maybe new features for this will be added soon to make this even more better then what it is now.If you liked pictochat then you will really like this.This also sends you notes from nintendo sometimes.My score to this free 3DS app 9.0 out of 10.Nintendo should really make more features on the 3DS like this one.There is a stationary feature in this and it is really great.