A good motorcycle game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Suzuka 8 Hours SNES
This game was very popular around me when I was a little boy. My cousins and I used to always race against each other, because it was just so fun. I would always lose against them though. It was either because I kept going too fast in the game, or it was because I never steered good enough on all the curves. Whatever the case maybe, I used to get beaten bad in that game! I still had a lot fun with them, nevertheless!

Story: N/A
- There is no storyline for this game, because it is only about motorcycle racing!

Gameplay: 8/10
- The gameplay is good. I love racing with the motorcycles! Suzuka 8 Hours allows the player to virtually participate in the grueling 8-hour long Suzuka race in Japan. While the game does not allow the player to play for 8 real hours, the player can play for just 8 "virtual hours", which is translated to over 1½ hours of "real time." The player controls a motorcycle on a closed race track intended for motorized 2-wheel vehicles. The object is to complete as many laps as you can before the time runs out. If the time runs out, the clock starts going up again (as a penalty time) and the next trip to the finish line just ends the race.

Graphics: 7/10
- The graphics are okay but, it could have been a lot better.

Sound: 8/10
- The sound effects of the game are all right. The music is nice. This game has some pretty good music!

Overall, I give this game a 7 1/2 out of 10. Yeah, I am definitely going to remember this game, for all the good times I had with my cousins when I was young, and for noticing that this game is extremely underrated! I mean, I am the very first to review this game even though there were plenty of years just for someone else to review this game! I also would like to point out that this is not the only game that I have noticed myself being alone to review a game. There were some games for the Nintendo, some for the Sega Genesis, and some for the Super Nintendo.