This game when you first take it out of the box may look really good but as soon as you pop it in your harddrive all of

User Rating: 1.4 | Survivor (2001) PC
The first promblem youll notice when you put this game in you may have to wait 15-20 min for instalation. Then when you play the game the cut sceens look like they were very rushed, and are choppy. When you play the game like in the show you must form allicences inorder to stay on the island. You do this by clicking on the people and talking to them. The promblem is the person could be on the otherside of the beach and you can still talk to them. The conversations you have with your teammates lack the normal flow of talking. You can Say i think Rich should be voted out and they'll say back to you Im hungry. The Reward and Immunity games are horrible and not wroth your time. In short don't buy this game.