''SURVIVOR'' WORST GAME EVER !Don't buy it, you won't survive the game its that bad.

User Rating: 1.6 | Survivor (2001) PC
Fans of the hit TV show Survivor can be a pretty dedicated lot, and there's no doubt they'll be strongly tempted to snatch up Survivor: The Interactive Game should they spot it while Christmas shopping. But if you're harboring even a tiny urge to buy this game, please listen very carefully to this advice: Don't do it. Just walk out of the store and try to forget you ever saw it, because this is one of the most inept pieces of drek ever to be pawned off as a computer game. Even the name is a giveaway--when a game publisher has to remind you that its game is "interactive," chances are it only barely meets the minimum requirements of that adjective.
If your thinking about buying this game then just remember this," WORST GAME EVER", it will crash every 30 minutes. My friend bought this game and he almost cried, because spending money on this trash.
There is no point of playing the game. You just push a button and you've done your job. Please don't buy this game. I'm begging you! Peace! You won't survive if you play this game!!!!!!!