Improving on the first in every way from HUD, AI to the graphics. An absolute must have in your RTS collection. A+

User Rating: 9.5 | Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance PC
The first SupCom is still great, Forged Alliance improves on every aspect of the first apart from the Single player missions. The single player missions work on the same basis that every faction campaigns through the same maps and locations with very little alternate story or features.

If your rig was powerful enough to handle the first with grunt to spare, then you've found the game to take care of the rest. Even though SupCom FA has more optimization and thought put into it, it still eats away at your resources, however, every bit is worth it.

FA sees the inclusion of a 4th faction, the Alien faction, Seraphim, that the Aeon Iluminate praised. The difference is, as the name suggests, the Seraphim have seeked revenge on the humans that made them "extinct" as the first SupCom suggests. Opening with a massive tear dropping sequence the game sets pace what destruction awaits the player.

The 3 factions must side together to prevent extinction from the Seraphim. This is where the game takes place. Not much can be said about the single player without spoiling, as the case always is, but I can comment on the rest.

FA works great in Skirmish and multiplayer, Chris Taylor, lives up to his name again. The AI has an eery intelligence that suggests its real when combating an enemy in Skirmish, not always attempting the same strategy twice while trying to combat your every move and tactically taking advantage as you progress make this mode for great when by yourself and you have a few hours to kill.

The real excitement is with MP, playing against friends over LAN in RTS has never been so massive and expansive until now. With maps up to 81x81kms and major weapons of major mass destruction you can get creative with the landscape and units using every resource to your advantage. Take careful note of this, as if you miss a high rise / hill and do not take it, you could end up in trouble with artillary.......

A complex game that appears simple, this will surprise and win the strongest critics out there. Great game!!!

Nota bena, the Nukes stength and size has been shrunk down, this is not a bad thing.... There are so many more better ways to take out your foe with the NEW experimental units, behemoths that tower the mountains and valleys :)

Absolutely Brilliant Game!!