Supreme Commander 2 is in a class of its own.

User Rating: 8.5 | Supreme Commander 2 PC
This game makes other RTS feel small and restrictive, as it features massive maps with tons of units. The gameplay is streamlined and very easy to learn yet hard to master.

Visually this game is nothing out of the ordinary, but it does have some nice explosion effects and when all the graphics settings are maxed out this game can hold its own.

The best way to describe this game is Sins of a Solar Empire meets Command and Conquer. Althoug these two titles offer a variaty of units they can't compare with Supreme Commander 2.

Experimental units are cross between insect/anima like figures and technology, heck even the main commander unit looks like some kind of Transformer, this somehow gives the game more charm.

Pick this game up if you want massive scale battles and silky smooth framerates, as this game is really optimized well on the PC.