Streamlined, but missing something.

User Rating: 7 | Supreme Commander 2 PC
Supreme Commander 2 is a lot of fun. There is no doubt about that. But, it feels like a step backwards from the original however.

On the one hand, the pacing is much quicker, and its a lot more difficult to paint yourself into a corner when it comes to resource management. On the other, despite still having massive battles, they oddly feel much less epic in scale. Maybe I just have an odd point of view, but I *liked* the long ramp up, and the massive investment it took to get experimental units. Now you can get them so quickly and cheaply they feel a bit, well, cheapened.

I also miss having a sprawling, well planned base with lots of different defense types. Now we are left with a generic air and ground defense and not much else. I also feel like the previously epic navies have been stripped to bare bones.

Despite these complaints, SupCom 2 still has a lot to offer. The single player campaign is much more compelling story wise, the graphics, while a step down in some respects, are crisp and don't bring my system to its knees like the previous games. There also is something to be said for not having to horrendous amounts of time with its much faster pacing.

Bottom line is, a good game, but I preferred the original.