Wonderful - Not Given Enough Credit

User Rating: 10 | Supreme Commander 2 PC
I don't actually consider this game a 10. I gave it a 10 because I want to balance out the user score. I think it's more of an 8.5. I played Supreme Commander when it first came out and I played on GPG net a lot. I'm a big fan of the series and it is probably my favorite RTS. Supreme Commander 2 is not bad – it's just different. It has a simplified economy and "less" units. Many will say that because it has "less" units, and is "less hardcore" it sucks. Although I prefer the economy in Supcom 1, (which a recent update made the Supcom 2 economy similar) Supreme Commander 2's economy was still very close to the original one. The battles are also similar, and although I loved t1, t2, and t3, the research tree isn't bad either. I can see why some people like the original Supcom more, but come on – if this game wasn't called "Supreme Commander 2", the user score would be way higher. Stop crying.

Supcom 2 also introduced some good changes. The flow field system is great (usually), and the factions balance nicely, each with unique and useful late-game experimentals. Another positive thing I've noticed is that there are multiple ways to win. It used to be that unless you were a straight rusher you would lose a ranked game. There is finally some variation. I quite like the game.