Do not buy

User Rating: 3 | Supreme Commander 2 X360
If you liked the 1st supreme commander DO NOT buy the 2nd. They took the wide range of different units and reduced to a tiny hand full. All the units are the same just with a diffrent name and slightly different function. The experimental units whent from devastating weapons that even when the die can take their enemies with them to little more than overprised shileds.

The maps are small and boring. They removed the save function from the skirmish mode and every mission is the same, Kill x, Defend x, Go to x. The A.I. uses very simple rushes that can be stopped easily. Your units will get stuck on some random piece of scenery or take the longest possible route to get to a place that is right next to it. There have been cases where the A.I. will walk right past you units and vice versa, and not even fire a single shot.