If you played and loved TA or SC or SC:FA, this game is not for you, if you like C&C type games, welcome!

User Rating: 7.5 | Supreme Commander 2 PC
I waited for this game since it was announced, and welcomed the Idea of upgrades and better path-finding but, this is not what I signed up for. Where are my 3 tiers of technology, where is the depth of the old game, and why do I have only two types of defensive structures??? I get that some people found the economic system in the original SC hard, but it was genius and realistic since you don't need all of the materials for a building to start building it, all you needed to do is to control the flow of infinite resources, but now that is to hard for the people who like harvesting crystals and gas next to their base, and think that, 'S' in RTS stands for ''Start clicking as fast as you can'' But if you are one of these people of you have not played SC or TA you will find this system very understandable.
The visuals are cartoonish and very smooth but, inferior to the original. If you have the hardware to run it on Max Settings.
An other problem is scope, this game has none compered to SC I think the biggest map in this one is like the 10x10 ones in SC.
So over all this is not a bad game it is actualy good, but as a sequel to SC this game is horible and it makes me cry myself to sleep every night.
Seriously how could you do this Gas Powered games???