Supreme Commander 2 is definitely different to the first game in a lot of ways but it should not be compared. Rather it

User Rating: 9.5 | Supreme Commander 2 PC
Supreme Commander 2 is definitely different to the first game in a lot of ways but it should not be compared. rather it should be viewed as a new game that draws on the story of the first but from a more personal point of view. another great point is that the game runs very smoothly in comparison to the first game which was somewhat slower and lagged on nuke explosions. it was still a great game but i believe that experimentals took far too long to build in Supreme Commander 1, something greatly improved in Supreme Commander 2 as well as the number of experimentals available to you. i must say i do miss the different tech levels but adding research more than makes up for it. However, even if you are a little disappointed at first as i was you just need to play it a little more and you will find that it grows on you and you will enjoy it more. it is also more enjoyable if you don't look at the flaws but look at the upside and don't compare it to Supreme Commander 1. A lot of people dissed the game because it was different, in my opinion, being different is a good thing. A lot of people complained it was different from SupCom1 and FA but that is the point if it was identical, then why bother making a sequel? also the units look heaps cooler, sure there are not as many, but that is why the research is there. i mean, seriously, once you were at tech 3 in SupCom1, did you really bother building tech 1 units? No, because they were rubbish compared to the next tech level. sure it was cool having MA12 Striker Medium Tanks as well a Pillar Heavy Tanks, but who built MA12s when you could get Pillars? not me. instead of different tech levels there is research. so instead of getting a new dual-barrelled tank, you can upgrade to 3 barrels, shields and anti-air. that is definitely not something to complain about. also in teching and research; take the Titan Siege Bots from SupCom1, powerful, heavy, slow-moving, energy-drainers. Titan Assault Bots (SupCom2) powerful, not as armoured, fast-moving, can be upgraded with shields and don't drain your energy. in general it is a fast-paced action strategy that sure is a lot of fun. i must say, Great Job Chris Taylor!

The Ups:

-Research improves existing units
-Game runs a lot smoother that SupCom1
-Three times as many experimentals as the first game
-Maps look a lot cooler
-A lot more detail
-Better graphics (UEF factories don't look so blurry)
-Original units have been improved
-New units are neat and unique to faction
-Nuke and ACU explosions look way cooler (the way the mushroom cloud remains and shifts with the wind)
-Aircraft don't need to be refueled anymore
-Upgrading your ACU is so cool, so many more upgrades (Anti-air, Tactical Missile Launcher, Escape Pod).
-The Multiplayer is insanely awesome, makes up for the crappy AI.

The Downs:

-Not as many available units as SupCom1 (research makes up for this)
-Pathfinding errors could be improved
-Not as many structures and base/point defenses as SupCom1
-Graphics were still not as good as I expected
-AI is easy even on hard, but is continually being improved through updates and is gradually getting much harder.
-Basic units are not as powerful. (I can't take out an ACU with 10 tanks/bots anymore!)