it may not quite be the supreme commander you remembered. but its still highly enjoyable

User Rating: 8.5 | Supreme Commander 2 PC
It may of strayed a little far from sup com1, far enough to disappoint hardcore fans, but there still alot of things to like about this game and its much more friendly to newcomers. Firstly the graphics are really quite good, the overall artistic design is much more interesting then before, everything is more colourful and theres still alot of close up detail to be seen. but most importantly is that the game will run much more smoothly on lower end pc's. The gameplay is great. its still a massive scaled rts with hundreds of robots, tanks and planes tearing it up. theres also just alot of variety with so many strategic options at your disposal. but things are alot faster and simple this time which may turn off hardcore fans of the original game but at the same time opens it up to a broader audience. The best things about Supreme commander 2 is the research points mechanic which allows you to focus on specific tactics. The number of different units is also a much friendler small size and you use research points to upgrade those units to make them a bit more interesting. The new experimental units are simply EPIC!! And once again really seperate each of the factions and deliver on the destruction. But the experimentals while still very powerful are not game breakers anymore which is a good thing.

the Worst thing about this game is the campaign. the missions are very dull and repititive and overall its really just boring. the story is also terrible, and features some of the worst characters and voice acting iv ever seen in a game! Then theres a few other issues with the game like the maps, they look much cooler now but are way too small and cant support all the units and structures that are being used, so things can become really cramped, theres also only one 4v4 map.. The path finding at times can be incredibly frustrating especially when bases get cramped. The way that mass converters now operate is just annoying. Stuff impacting on shields now look a bit weird. Theres also some minor balance issues.

However despite some flaws and the campaign aside, supreme commander 2 is a great realtime strategy game. And for those who are looking for a good place to start online multiplayer for the genre, this game is HIGHLY recommended.