SP2 is no improvement from SP1.

User Rating: 4.4 | SuperPower 2 PC
Though the game might look prettier and offer more ways to control and conquer the world, SP2 is still the same old game as its predecessor. SP2 is a very confusing game in which one feels like you must have a degree in foreign policy to actually enjoy playing it. The game may offer more of everything but this actually makes it more confusing to play. For starter, the demo does not provide a tutorial. This means you're on your own right from the start which makes you feel like you're floating in a bathtub in the middle of the Pacific Ocean if you know what I mean. So, right from the start, I was controlling Iraq (of all countries, but hey it's what the demo gave me) with no idea what to do. I finally, after about 30 minutes of trying everything, the only thing I could figured out was how to control my military. So with nothing else to do, I started invading everyone around me. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!!!! What could I lose? Well as it turned out, nothing. Not only did I not lose anything, I gained the whole Middle East!!! And no one lifted a finger to stop me! Not the U.S., England, Russia or the U.N. My armies rolled over every opponent I faced and all I got was warning messages from the World governments. Not bad for a 2 hours span. Thank God I wasn't working for Saddam in 1991. All in all, I was disappointed in SP2. I love the concept and bought SP1 when it first came out 2 years ago. Even with the steep learning curve, SP1 had a lot of potential. So when Dreamcatcher announced SP2 with all the hype of an improved A.I. and graphic interface, I waited impatiently for its release. Thank goodness for demos because I would have blown $30 on a game that may look like a brand new model, it’s was still the same junk box with a new paint job.