If you're into simulations, you should try it, however, this game is only for a few that are willing to ignore the bugs.

User Rating: 8.6 | SuperPower 2 PC
SuperPower 2 has a lot of good ideas, but its budget obviously didn't cut it a decent chance in the growing gaming industry. People need to spend a lot of time and have patience to truly enjoy this game. The biggest problem (beside the bugs) is the unwillingness of allies to form allies, but otherwise the game is completely realistic. The game isn't fast and shooter-up with constant nuclear wars, but instead discourage you from even any type of violence. Those who believe they can just blow up China or even a small country like The Dominican Republic, will lose allies and possibly start a world war, with every country in the world bombing you. But if you just slow down and build up allies and make a joint effort against a problem country, you can efficiently conquer the world. In my opinion, the most realistic part of the game is the economics. While the principles are pretty basic (such as supply and demand and inflation), it creates engaging game play, like tying to turn a country like Nigeria or something into a economic and/or military superpower.
Overall, I like the game, but bugs that cause the music to skip (which is why I gave it a 6 for sound) and sometimes crashes the game does make it obvious that it needs more work. Try it, its only $20.