Superpower 2 hurt the series

User Rating: 4.1 | SuperPower 2 PC
In all honestly this game really let me down from the Original Superpower (which i own and still play to death.) i thought it would be alot better but this one has changed alot and changed too much. the control scheme is way to complicated. so much so that you find yourself forgetting if you've deployed army units to areas where you need them. and the real time system is just too much. you constantly find yourself in debt with no money. and you dont even know how you got there. the warfare screen is lame to no end. and you find it annoying to the point where you just send your troops to war and dont bother watching. nuclear warfare remains as fun as it always does. so no complaints there. but unit design really hurt. due to i think the lack of the ability to create individualistic units (ex. Marines, Infantry, and Special Forces) which now you are forced to have "personnel" and you have to train them to be considered elite. all in all this is a game i think that you should not buy. i did and i regret it because i play the original more then i do number 2. so avoid like the plauge if you can. if not then i hope you find it a better game then i did.