Exellent game when it's patched.

User Rating: 8.8 | SuperPower 2 PC
When I bought this game when it first came out, it was buggy from the start. Random rashes to the desktop, laggy interface, and so on. So bad i had to uninstall it. A few moths later I was sorting through my old stuff and saw it again. I gave it a second chance, and since all of the patches had been released it might have a chance. Sure enough, it did. Patched, there were no more crashes to the desktop and very little lag (everyone gets lag sometimes in a game, regardless of your computer)

Patched to 1.4, it's a great game. Nuclear warfare is very fun. You can play as all of the countries in the world, (online play is free (as with most RTS's). Millitary's are almost limitless in numbers if you have the cash, economy is hard but fun to master. The only draw back is that the AI makes moves sometimes with no motive whatsoever. Unpatched version (1.0) 5.5

Patched (1.4) 8.8