An insult to gamers.

User Rating: 1 | Superman: The New Superman Adventures N64
I remember playing this game almost a decade ago, inserting the Superman 64 cartridge into the Nintendo 64, and was getting ready to play the worst game I have ever played in my life.

SOUND: There weren't that many sound effects. Everytime the poorly designed Superman destroyed one of the robots, it was the same exploding sound effect. It was something you would expect to hear in one of the older 16 bit games. As for the music, it was virtually absent throughout the entire game.

GRAPHICS: This game could barely pass for a 32 bit game. Remember watching a movie in your driver's ed class, and the video would display how a driver should approach an intersection w/ cheaply made 3D models? It was state of the art back then because that video was probably made during the near end 1980's. But, it isn't acceptable for a Nintendo 64 game. The character models and the entire world of Superman 64 doesn't look done. It was like the developers procrastinated, and had to rush the game to make the due date. I'm pretty sure that's what happened here....or I at least hope so.

GAMEPLAY: You have to fly through rings to start a new objective, fight bad guys in dark trench coats (I think that's what they are), and robots explode or get stuck in walls when thrown against them. Sometimes they don't even ***** explode, they just get stuck in the middle of the air which can block Superman while he's flying. It's especially annoying when you're in a building. Why is Superman fighting in a buidling anyways? He's almost a god, he destroys everything in his path when fighting. A building cannot stand up to that...

I don't know remember much of the story. I think Brainiac was the main villain of the game. I remember hearing his voice at the title screen. Which was the best looking part of the game since it was actually drawn by someone not on the development team. I recall reseting Supermnan 64 a couple times before I started really getting into the game. I didn't want to believe the game wasn't working properly, and just wasted my hard earend weekend rental on this game (I was 14 at the time). It wasn't the horrid graphics alone, it was also the bad controls. As easy flying through rings sounds, it was very difficulty getting use to flying unconvincing polygon model of Superman around in the air.

The super powers, which might've made this game somewhat fun if they weren't completely useless, are hard to get and run out very quickly. Therefore, there is no point collecting and saving them up for boss fights. Well, there really isn't any point to play this game at all except maybe for this...

BOTTOM-LINE: If you want to experience one of the worst game ever made, and have a good laugh or you're some type of masochist who likes torturing yourself, by all means give this game a try. You can find this in a bargain bin somewhere really dirt cheap or at Gamestop triyng to overprice it.

Developers knew the game would sell no matter the amount of effort put into the game, so why even bother trying to make a good game, right? This game was a testament to the loads of shovelware to be released in the future. There are probably worse games out there right now released or about to. Give Superman 64 a try, and then take the cartridge out to a shootgun range and blast it to pieces, and vow to never buy/rent shovelware like this ever again.

Superman 64, a sin brought upon the gaming universe.