Rented it for 30 minutes and returned it faster than a speeding bullet

User Rating: 1 | Superman: The New Superman Adventures N64
I remember as a kid renting this "game" (I use the term game lightly in this POS) and being excited to play it but I played for 20 30 minutes and returned it as quickly as I could. I seriously have no idea where to begin, but let me say that this is the worst game of all time. I am honestly ashamed at how bad this is, but pretty much to sum it up, it is as bad as you have heard.

The story is weak at best, Lex Luthor traps Lois, Jimmy, and the rest of Superman's friends in a virtual world, wow what a great plot I already like it (sarcasm). The graphics are just plain and downright awful, nothing looks like it's in detail, the colors are washed out, everything looks like a polygon from Starfox on the SNES, and there is a gray fog surrounding the city. The sound is just as bad, it sounds really bad and has feels like the developers didn't put any effort into it. The controls are beyond broken, they are horrendous and very loose, it takes Superman forever to move around or fly and his punches are delayed making it impossible to play. The gameplay is the worst, all you do for the first sections of the game are fly through rings and pick up cars, if you play this game, those rings will be burned into your eyes forever because they never seem to end. I never made it pass the car picking up because of the controls and frankly, I didn't care because I had the sanity to turn this game off and return it to the renting place and frankly the cashier wasn't surprised and I never looked back at it again until this review.

Conclusion: For the love of Superman, do not play this game, don't look at it, download a ROM, or anything, even if you are a big Superman fan, this is one item of Superman that should be avoided at all costs. The story is lame, it's a bad rendition of Superman, and the graphics look like the belong on an SNES than a N64, I think I made my point.