In my opinion the worst game I have ever played.

User Rating: 1 | Superman: The New Superman Adventures N64
Okay, I'll just cut to the chase. This is the worst game I have ever played. On our Playstation we never had games this bad and although we didn't have a N64 my elder brother's friend had. They had awesome games although I was still abit young at that time and my brother was 10 and my sister 9 when this game was released. The games were also awesome for the N64 till this game came.

It almost destroyed the N64 because we had never seen a game like this since Extra Terrestrial, although I haven't played it.

This game controls badly, plays badly, Superman speaks like an idiot, the story is stupid, the levels are nonsense and the flying isn't even good. The only time you'll be happy is when you smash this cartridge and get your money back.

The story is about when Lex Luther has taken your friends into a virtual world or something and Superman has to save them. The game is easy, even the bosses aren't a challenge that much. Each level you go through rings, fight some losers and then use your laser or ice breath and get out of the stupid level. Even the time challenges are nonsense.

The multiplayer isn't interesting at all, that's all I can say. In my opinion this game is not to be called a game, this game sucks. I went in with high hopes but mixed thoughts a little because many games based on marvel characters or comic book characters weren't that good. I couldn't believe that the game was this bad and this game is not playable for anyone unless you want to play one of the worst games ever made. Just to conclude, don't play this game.