Just pitiful.

User Rating: 1 | Superman: The New Superman Adventures N64
Superman is one of the greatest superheroes of all time. From his many great comic books, cartoon series, and his portrays on television and movie screens, Superman has practically become a historic icon and has become a regular part of American culture. But then come the video games. He may have crap-tastic titles on other systems like the Commodore 64 and the NES, but they don't come close to this. The story is pretty simple: Lex Luthor has kidnapped Superman's friends and trapped them in a virtual world, so it's up to him to save them. The story may be simple, but the entire presentation and execution of the game is what complicates things. This is the absolute WORST N64 game ever made, and it's truly a disgrace to Superman's name.

The overall gameplay here just isn't fun. A majority of the game is spent flying through these giant rings Lex Luthor managed to lay out. Other objectives include carrying cars, collecting keys and opening doors, fighting enemies, and a few other tasks. All of which are too simple and way too repetitive. In order for Superman to use his powers, he has to collect power-ups scattered around, and even those don't work right half the time. The game apparently features a multiplayer option, but I never got into it and I don't even want to think what that's like.

The execution is just horrendous, especially when it's coupled with some of the worst control in gaming history. On the ground, Superman's movements are far too stiff, he runs way too slow, and performing actions can be unresponsive. In the air, the control is far too sensitive and it is especially frustrating when going through the rings. But I do admit that flying is certainly better than walking. The camera also serves as a major issue, as in closed quarters you can get the camera stuck behind something, causing extreme frustration not knowing what's in front of you which can lead to more awkward moments.

The graphics are by far the worst I have seen on the N64. Did Nintendo even realize what they were approving? Environments and characters are incredibly bland and animations are very choppy, the game is rich with distance fog, colors seem painted on at the last minute, collision detection is inconsistent, and glitches can always be discovered, unintentional or not. Titus just basically released the beta. Simply put, there is no effort to be found in this game. The game's sound is just as bad with constantly looping 30 second pieces of music tracks that are of very poor quality.

To sum things up:

-Flying is better than walking.

-Horrible, choppy, and bland graphics that look like it was still in very, VERY early production. I am usually pretty forgiving on N64 graphics, but this crosses the line
-Horrible controls
-Alot of Superman's powers don't even work right
-Camera is a mess to deal with
-The mission objectives are too simple and repetitive
-Tons of obvious bugs, pop-ups, and collisions around every corner
-Multiplayer sucks big time
-You'll quickly hit the mute button after hearing the same awful music loop 20 times

All I can really say is that it sucks! It REALLY sucks! Seriously, how hard is it to make a good Superman game?! This is the kind of person that has the potential of having epic games. The only reason I would actually want to keep this game is just solely for the purpose of having it in my N64 collection. After all, a game so infamous just has to be a part of my collection. This may not be the absolute worst game I have ever played, but it's definitely in the top 5 on my list.