An absolute gem... if it had online play, but alas!

User Rating: 7.2 | Swing Golf Pangya WII
The bottom line is that Pangya Golf is an enjoyable game to play, although I found issue with the controls. I found it more rewarding playing using the button control method rather than swinging the remote: in real golf you should keep your eye on the ball, not in front of you at a screen, because of this, the swinging method makes getting 100% power uncomfortable and feels unnatural. The button, moving-bar controls are easy and are pretty similar to the controls in Everybody’s Golf on PS2. I can’t see why anybody would use the swing method when you can get a much better score using the buttons?!?

Although there is a lot of unlock in this game, I really wish that games would start using online score tables, even if they do not provide online game play, as this would give you something to keep playing for and an idea of how good you really are!

The story line is so daft to the point of being hilarious, but then you don't usually buy a golf game for its story!