amazing game. extremely addictive. just total awesome.

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition 3DS
at first i didn't expect much from this game. just a 2d fighter. no moving backgrounds. bad 3d. but what it turned out to be was a highly addictive, fast playing amazing fighter. yes there are no moving backgrounds and the 3d wasn't that great but it is awesome nonetheless.i think they changed some of the inputs from the console version. making some hard to pull off without using the touch screen. like searching up gameplay for the console version and seeing a move that was pulled off in a split second. while in this you may have to hold back for 5 seconds, then move forward and punch, making pro mode extremely hard to use. I am hoping they will fix input problems in a future update. the online usually runs smooth but can be laggy at times. sometimes the ai can be cheap for characters like ryu or seth. but thats probably because I usually play on hardest.this game also includes the dynamic over the shoulder view, but i turn that off most of the time just because its easier to play normally. and it does of course support local play and download play(which you are only allowed to play as ryu.). and they may release the arcade version of this game which i hope they do. so overall this is a must get for 3ds owners.