Is it good?Yes.Is it perfect?No.

User Rating: 8.5 | Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition 3DS
Ahh,Street fighter,brings us great memories of our childhood,i can remenber those great sprites of the characters,and our phenomenoun ''Hadoken!!!'',but enough talking,lets make this review,SSF4 3D Edition may be one of the greatest 3DS games already launched,now,we all know how games cant be perfect,first of,some people may be annoyed by some(when i mean some i mean 99 percent) players in the multilayer keep using the newbie mode where you keep pressing the same button over and over in the bottom screen,alot use ryu,seth,and that damn red oily guy who i dont know the name,these guys are more annoying than freaking nyan cat,but enough with the multiplayer,lets talk about the graphics,tthese graphics are just amazing,the character models are great but what i didnt like was how the stages couldnt move but hey,the sound and music of the game is awesome,so,if your looking for a great fighting start for your 3DS get SSF43DE,That Guy Out