Little reason to get it if you own previous versions, but it's still a neat fighting package with plenty of flair.

User Rating: 8 | Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition X360
Oh, Capcom, how my relationship with you have changed over the last years, your moronic decisions fly in left and right and continually disappoint or baffle me, which is unfortunate because Capcom makes great games, Street Fighter IV being one of their biggest hits in recent years, so of course they're going to milk it, this is the third version to Street Fighter IV, I have no idea how many SFII versions there are out there, I know there are plenty, Capcom have stated that this will be THE last version, I'll take their word for it, even though they have made it a bit of a habit to lie straight to our faces, but oh well. The additions are minor, very minor at first glance, four new characters, none of which are as cool or unique as the ones introduced in Super Street Fighter, love me some Juri, who is beyond cool, but these guys are okay. Some video replay addition or improvement is included but I don't care about that and haven't even checked it out. The gameplay have been balanced somewhat, though the Seth battle can be a pain in the neck still. As usual, I have difficulties playing fighting games with a 360 controller, but I'm sure I'll get used to Street Fighter eventually, some of the ultra combos can be slightly tricky to pull off in the heat of battle, but it's all about practice. The game looks amazing, Street Fighter has always been the flashiest technically, and from the menus, the animations, the music, it's an impressive looking package to say the least, some of the characters are easily some of the most awesome ever seen within the genre, I also like that the women arent overly sexualized like in MK or Soul Calibur, though I can appreciate those characters as well, but it's just a nice change of pace to see a game that doesn't have to rely on TnA to get people's attention, they're still you know, hot and all that, but more than anything they are seriously badass. There's not much point in me going on about this game, it IS definitely more of the same with small tweaks and additions, if you're a hardcore SF fan, you may want to get it when it hits a bargain bin or simply DLC the whole thing, SFIV is not my favorite fighting game, but it is fun and rewarding for the patient who really wants to delve into it and learn the ropes. Now, I only hope Capcom sticks to their word and that this is infact the final version. Now I wait for Street Fighter x Tekken, guess I may check out Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, what? You didn't think they'd keep their greedy hands away from that series did you? But Ghost Rider's in it, so that's kinda cool, but I'm getting off track, so, yeah, Street Fighter x Tekken is gonna be sweet.