A nice Super Breakout clone for the C64

User Rating: 7.3 | Super Smash C64
Commodore made games that were not bad but were not brilliant to promote their C64 system. This was one of them, it wasn't a Bally Midway licsensed game, unlike the others, it was an Atari 2600 hit ripoff. But, as far as ripoffs go, this is pretty good. It has bright, colorful graphics, nice paddle control (one of the few games that only used paddles), and it makes a nice 10 minutes break from the workplace or from the overwhelming new games that these companies are firing out (not that I don't like the new as well as the old).

The game itself is like the classic game Super Breakout without anything excluded, move the paddle to keep the ball in play and break blocks, simple, isn't it?
Enjoy this treasure if you have a C64 or an emulator.