this game is just as good as the others.

User Rating: 8.5 | Super Smash Bros. Melee GC
personal reasons-

When i got this game, i was excited because of the romors i heard. this was the first smash bros. game i played. it's just plain fun. i love the cutscene at the beginning before uyou press start. the characters are less than brawl, but more than the original. now, i've never played the original, so i cant judge that. but i can judge this.


it's the same as the other games, just different backgrounds. the gameplay is as ordinary and fun as any other 2d fighting game.


the graphics are good for a gamecube game. i wasnt all over the graphics, so it didnt matter.


good as usual. i had no problem with this, either, and i love the person who says the names of the characters.

the game orverall was good, but i didnt get too far because it would act up, and i didnt have a memory card. so i did best with this rewiew.