You Gotta Love It!!

User Rating: 9 | Super Smash Bros. Melee GC
This game is nothing short of amazing!! Anyone who likes multiplayer games, Mario, or a competiton, NEEDS to own this game. I don't care if it's the only game you have on the entire system, you need to want this game!!!

I have the cube, and it's a good for the flicted controller of course........but of all the games i've played on the Cube Smah Bros. is by far the best!! I have surrendered probably months of my life to this game over a calculated period of time. And i still will play it to this day! It's a game that is hella fun with a bunch of people, but it's also one that is equally as good by yourself, and i don't know of too many other games that can say the same. Well, Soul Calibur, and NBA 2K6........i guess.

Really though, the only reason i bought the Cube at all was for Smash Bros. and i maintain, as long as that game is on a system......the system will be mine.