This was actually a gift for my sister, and I thought it was gonna be some girl power game...well, it sorta is.

User Rating: 7 | Super Princess Peach DS
This was actually a gift for my sister, and I thought it was gonna be some girl power game...well, it sorta is, but who cares! The gameplay is similar to side scrolling mario games, so you can't really go too wrong. However, They need to make it so that you remember to turn off the vibes. Gameplay:6/10

The graphics are great, and there is no slideshow watching. Everything is a little too cute for me though. Graphics: 9/10

The sound effects are great! I really like it how it is easy to tell if you are running out of health, how the vibes effect the noises she makes. However, again the music is too cute. Sound: 8/10

If you absolutely hate cutsy-wootsy games, DO NOT BUY THIS. You need to be somewhat tolerant of this stuff to avoid smashing it on the ground. If you don't care about that stuff, go ahead and buy it. It's worth it. Value: 8/10