A fun, although difficult game that will hook you with it's addictive multi-player and strenuous first player modes.

User Rating: 8.4 | Super Monkey Ball GC
Have you ever played on of those completely insane games out there that you think, "Where the hell did they get that idea?" I mean, seriously, one of those gameplay ideas like Mario for instance where a giant turtle demon kidnaps a princess of living mushroom creatures and an Italian plumber needs to save her. What kind of drugs could these developers have been taking when they thought of that idea? Super Monkey Ball is one of those types of games. This is definitely the craziest idea for a game I've ever heard of since Mario Bros. and is like Marble Madness gone mad with monkeys and doused in Sega's uniqueness. With it's teeth-gritting fun in first player and it's great addictive multiplayer, this game is a hit in every aspect. This is one weird game though. It stars four monkeys, Aiai, Meemee, Baby and Gongon inside of clear transparent balls which you control with the control stick to roll across a variety of different levels (in multiplayer). Sound easy? It's not. The levels are each floating way in the sky and if the monkey were to fall, that'd be a real shame. There are dozens upon dozens upon dozens of levels you can roll across in first player that takes a lot of skill. It kinda sucks though that Sega fans (like me) didn't have the opportunity to witness this game on the Dreamcast. Basically though, you just roll this monkey across a large number of 3D levels trying desperately not to fall off. Here's the catch, you don't control the ball, you control the tilt of the level. The big difficulty here is that the levels have corners and bumps that can easily go unnoticed causing your Monkey to roll to his death. Each of the levels are complete with twists, turns, bumps, holes and other annoying obstacles. The sheer simplicity of this game is definitely apparent. Considering all you do is tilt the board with the control stick, that's it. no buttons necessary. It seems simple but it REALLY isn't. The inexperienced beginners will roll off to their untimely demise level after level after level no matter what. It takes A LOT of practice to get used to how each level tilts and where certain obstacles in each level are. Most of the levels you won't beat the first time around. I'd suggest that you have a fairly patient personality before you rent or buy this game. There are three difficulties of first player. Beginner, which only has ten levels that are all fairly easy, Advanced, which has around 30 levels, and they're all pretty difficult and take some practice, and finally, Expert, with 50 stages that take a large amount of skill and a huge amount of patience. Then, there are Beginner Extra, Advanced Extra and Expert extra, which can only be unlocked it you go through their according difficulties without losing one life. These challenges are for only the greatest of Monkey Ball players. In each level, there's a goal where players must reach to complete each level. You can also collect bananas which are scattered across every level. An extra life is rewarded to you for every 100 bananas that you collect. The first 10 levels aren't too hard, and are just there to ease you in on what's to come. There're some levels where it's mainly just one twist that will keep you busy for a half hour. But hey, once you get half way through expert mode you unlock a new mini-game everytime you lose. First, take your controller in one hand, then, envision a rage meter in your head, next, envision a cursor and aim the controller at something, and pull your arm back and throw the controller as hard as you can at the wall. Everytime you lose you'll get the distinct desire to play this mini-game. Isn't that something??? I'm not trying to say that you're going to completely go insane and possibly develop an eating disorder from this game, but it's difficult, and it's aggrivating, and you're going to be going insane throughout much of the game. Just remember, the harder it is to accomplish something, the better the feeling is once you accomplish it. SMB's multiplayer is separated into three different modes: Monkey Race, Monkey Fight, and Monkey Target. Monkey Race is Sega's weird version of Mario Kart. You race across a ton of levels against other foes and the first one to cross the finish line wins. Powerups are found across the track and can be used to freeze enemies, transform enemies into rolling boulders and much more. Also, watch out for bumpers found throughout the game. Hitting them flings you around and could shoot you off of the level. Monkey Fight allows four player free-for-all action on one level that takes up the entire screen. You gain points from knocking competing monkeys off the edge with boxing gloves comedically strapped to your monkey ball. Whichever monkey has a crown next to their names is the leader and whoever knocks the leader off gets even more points. Powerups pop up all over the place giving monkeys advantages like extended gloves, more powerful gloves, and even gloves that spin around your monkey ball. The monkey with the most points wins. Monkey Flight is one of hte funnest though. Your character first spins the wheel of doom. It will choose what obstacles will be placed on the field like bombs planted on the various islands you must land on to gain points or even floating spikes. Floating bananas are found throughout the area that, when collected, can earn you powerups like stopping wind, stopping bouncing when falling, and other tricks. The ability to not bounce when falling comes in VERY handy in many cases. There're also some not-as-fun mini games like Monkey Billiard, Monkey Bowling and Monkey Golf. Monkey Billiard is basically just pool except instead of the white ball you're using a monkey ball. Monkey Bowling is the same thing as bowling practically except you guide the monkey as he rolls down the bowling alley. Monkey Golf is the same thing as regular golf except, again, it's with a Monkey Ball. Sorry if I sound boring here but it's a boring part of the game. Super Monkey Ball is overall a great puzzle/action game that keeps you addicted for a long time to come. Sure it's just a "kiddie" game, but it's a damn good kiddie game. And I think you should go ahead and at least rent the game with a friend and play for a few hours. I guarantee you it'll be worth your purchase.