This game is one of the GameCube's finest, and it really shows. Read on to find out why.

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Monkey Ball 2 GC
Super Monkey Ball was one of the best party games to ever come out on GameCube. It had great puzzles, fun minigames and some good graphics. Super Monkey Ball 2 raises the bar, and sets new standards for all three, and includes a story mode, as a free bonus. Super Monkey ball2 has improved grahpics, better puzzles and more fun. The minigames from Super Monkey Ball return, with a "2" added at the end (e.g. Monkey Target 2)
and inclued 6 new ones. Most of the new ones are trash, except Monkey Tennis and Monkey Shot and Monkey Baseball. The story mode has a goofy storyline and is not very good, but once you look past that, it can be a great way to try and beat the levels all the way through. Though at the end, the levels do get very hard. But if you love puzzle games, are are just looking for a new game for your GameCube, then this is a definate way to go. You can get it at most places now for about $20. So yeah...Pick it up, and have fun.