Unbelievable stages! Although I rated it 8.0, its still a great game!

User Rating: 8 | Super Monkey Ball 2 GC
Ok...monkeys running around in balls going up hills, flying through the air, falling off cliffs...Sweet!

Wow! Amazing Graphics, very fun, great sound, awesome multiplayer, all the qualities of the greatest monkey game ever! (Not that theres tons of Monkey games but...) Now lets start the game. You can play minigames, change things in the options, or play main game. In this case I'm gonna tell you about multiplayer, so off to minigames we go! (Forget about the "Now lets start the game" crap) So here are the minigames...monkey race, monkey boat, monkey shot, monkey this, monkey that, bla, bla, bla...lets cut to the chase, best minigames ever!

So I guess this means the minigames are 100% fun, right? Next up I'll tell you about story mode. There are tons of stages to play, all with there own little... twist. You can choose Begginer, Advanced, or Expert. (My favorite is Expert, its so...Experty...) Probably because it has the best stages. (Begginer, Advanced, and Expert all have different stages) Expert is cool, but if its your first or second time playing then I wouldn't really...you know, try expert. Oh yah, and from Main Game you can practice and play storymode.

And...thats it. Hope you like my review! Bye!