A solid entertainer. A must have

User Rating: 10 | Super Meat Boy PC
1. Gameplay - Well the game starts off like an arcade game, with a screen showing "Enter Coin". I started loving this game right from that point itself. The game itself consists of a series of levels. Each level has one basic objective - get to the damsel in distress - "Bandage Girl". On the way you can collect bandages if you wish. Also, if you can beat the par time, you get an A+ score. The score allows you to play the Dark World version of the level. Also certain levels will open up portals (I don't know whether the portals appear if you do not complete within par time, since I have always completed the levels within the par time). The portals allow you to play an extra level for some extra points. To top it all the game features some of the sharpest controls in the market. All in all a superb gameplay experience. However, the difficulty soon starts to build up, but that just adds to the awesome gameplay.

2. Story - The story starts with a written narrative about the protagonist - Meat Boy. He has a girlfriend - Bandage Girl. Then the scene shifts to the main antagonist - Dr. Fetus. He is hated by everyone because he hates everyone for hating him (or something like that. Jeez now I am confused). Anyways, he hates Meat Boy the most and so he kidnaps Bandage Girl. The game features the exploits of Meat Boy as he saves Bandage Girl from Dr. Fetus.

3. Graphics - The graphics of the game are akin to a normal arcade style 2D platformer. However, the smooth controls and lucid animations make it more than a great arcade experience

4. Music and Sound - Music and Sound effects are one of the best original soundtracks I have encountered in any game. A quirky feel with an offbeat music. The music simply adds more to the atmosphere.

A great game that is a must have for any hardcore or casual gamer.