Fantastic game with a high difficulty level. The platforming is excellent and a great challenge.

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Meat Boy X360
I usually am not someone that enjoys extremely challenging games. I get frustrated and just have to put the game down. But Super Meat Boy changed that. The responsive controls and great level design make this a blast to play. I played this for hours and absolutely loved it. Sure, I died a lot, but it was part of the experience and didn't fracture the experience, it just added to my push to beat the level. The developers came up with a creative concept that works well with the game. I enjoyed the quirky story and amazing art style. The red tracks from where Meat Boy traveled and the plopping noises as he runs combine for a great experience. Another good addition is the extra charectars that add some pizazz and a new gameplay experience. I highly recommend buying this game and immersing yourself in the fantastic gameplay and art style.