I don't care who you are, you will love playing Super Mario World.

User Rating: 9.3 | Super Mario World: Super Mario Bros. 4 SNES
Super Mario World was a staple in the video game world. It was one of the best games of all time, SNES or otherwise, and best of all, came free with the system. Years before consoles simply came packaged with silly little sports games, the greatest game of all time was just sitting there for you to play for free.

The gameplay in Super Mario World is, when you get down to it, Super Mario Bros 3 but enhanced one billion times. The graphics are now 16-bit, with colourful graphics, great character sprites, and amazing backgrounds. The sound now go down in history as some of the best video game music. It's simple, yet very effective. And of course, the gameplay. Their may not be as many power ups as in SMB3, but the flying feather is more than welcome. It gives Mario a cape, letting him fly through the air with the greatest of ease. Actually, he doesn't really fly, he goes up really high and then bounces through the skies by using his cape as a parachute. The fire flower is back too, and is what it's always been. mario also has a new move, in the way of the spin jump. A press of the R trigger, and Super Mario can smash bricks, or kill two-hit enemies in one. It's not used much, but it's neat. And of course, the biggest gameplay change, Mario's pal Yoshi. He's your green little dinosaur buddy, and adds so much fun to the game. He can swallow Koopas and get new powers, swallow apples to give you items, and get to areas otherwise unaccessable. The replay value in Super Mario World won't be as high as you remember it being; as a kid it took me ages to beat the game, but it's much simpler by todays standards. That's not to say it's still not a long game, and a near impossible one to get 100% completed on. In the end, Super Mario Word is a pick up for anybody with any particular intrest in video gaming. It doesn't matter if your a FPS fan, or a RPG nut, you'll love stomping Koopas and ridin' green dinosaurs in the Plumber's first 16-bit offering.