This game is without a doubt one of Nintendo's finest game

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Mario World: Super Mario Bros. 4 SNES
From start to end this game is a blast. Whether you're trying to beat Bowser, get every gold coin, unlock every level, cruise through each unique level, or just all of the above, this game will without a doubt satisfy all of your gaming needs.

This is the game where Mario first gets a make over. He now looks cleaner, friendly, and all around a better protagonist for this unbeleivable adventure. This is the first game where Mario and Yoshi come together and they fit together perfectly.

This game is reccomended, but not only more that, this is probably my number 1 reccomended game as this simple, but unique 2-d platformer revolutionized gaming and so many ways that it's unbeleivable. This is the game that started so many perks that you see in games now a-days. PLEASE GET THIS GAME. Happy Gaming.