One of the first games I played. This is a very fun game.

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario World: Super Mario Bros. 4 SNES
When Super Mario Bros. 3 came out I assume that, seeing as I was born in 1993, Mario fans thought that it couldn't get any better. Well with Super Mario World it did.

You take control of Mario as usual. Peach is kidnapped again and Mario.....You know the story.

Graphics: 10/10

Amazing graphics. Period.

Sound: 10/10

Amazing sound. Period.

Uhhhhhhhhh you get the point. This game is perfect.

If for some reason you have never played Super Mario World there is no excuse for you not to download the game. It's fun at funs finest.

Please do your self a favor and download this. If you have already played it and don't own it on the original SNES then you know what to do.

Thank you for reading my review of Super Mario World. Available for the Wii's Virtual Console.
