yoshi's island is a perfect game that manages to do everything right and MORE!

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario: Yoshi Island SNES
this is my absolute favorite mario platformer and single game ever! everything about this game is amazing and after getteing 100% completion i STILL love to play this game because everything about it is so amazingly perfect and it just shouts amazing awesomeness because this is my favorite game of all time and i just love this game so much because it's so long and every level is like perfectness falling from the sky!

gameplay: yoshi can shoot eggs, eat enemies, ground pound, shoot watermelon seeds, shoot fire and ice, turn into vehicles, and even use pow blocks! this game has the best level design in any mario game, the only problem is that some levels are not alot different from other levels but the amazing level design completely makes up for that! the only downgrades were that there is no map and no multiplayer which is kinda disapointing. this game has tons of collectables in every level and unlike most games, getting everything is very well balanced and challenging yet it manages to not be too frustrating! this is also the longest mario platformer yet as there are only 6 worlds but there are 8 very lengthy levels in each world which makes it hours of awesomeness! this game has the best bosses in any mario game and possibly the most unique bosses of all time.

sound: this game has THE BEST music in any mario game "period" the music is amazing and it sounds either catchy, epic, awesome, or just pure charming! this is the best music i have ever heard and the final boss music defines EPIC!

graphics: this game even has the best graphics in any mario game, even better than galaxys! everything is so colorful and it looks fantastic!

value: even after getting 100%, i STILL love to play this game over and over again which makes this game have the best value in any game of all time only competing with the other mario platformers!


no mutiplayer -10
some levels look to similar -5
no world map -5

the greatest level design, music, graphics, bosses, and replay value in any mario game makes up for any con that dares to threat this game! +20

this is my favorite game of all time and i still play it to this day!