A beautiful soundtrack and great platforming make Super Mario Land a must buy, despite its short length.

User Rating: 9 | Super Mario Land GB
Gameplay: As you have probably heard, Super Mario Land isn't as any other Mario game. However, it still is a lot of fun. The game is divided into four worlds. Most levels are classic Mario platforming, but two of the levels are actually Shoot 'em ups! It's all lots of fun. Some people complain because Mario feels a bit different this time. His jumps are a little harder to do, and the platforming can get frustrating at times, but this game is still a classic Mario game. You run around, kill goombas, grab mushrooms, get coins, obtain temporal invincibility with stars, etc.
All the levels were really varied and fun. They all felt different from each other, and each world had a different theme.
The game is challenging, unless you have the 3DS version. I say this because in the 3DS version, you can create save states, which you couldn't do in the original one. In the original one it's 1 continue and 3 lives (with the ability to obtain more).
Overall great, fun gameplay.

Presentation: The presentation is pretty good. While the graphics aren't exactly amazing or impressive, they are okay for a Game Boy game, and everything looks as it should.
The music is simply amazing, and despite being repetitive, it doesn't get annoying.

Story: The story revolves around a world called Sarasaland, which is divided into four kingdoms. A creature called Tatanga hypnotizes all people from that world in order to conquer it, and he kidnaps Princess Daisy as well. It's up to Mario to save everything.
Overall, a good storyline, which is unfortunately not included with the game, but it is in the manual, and besides, the ending is in the game, which is nice.

Replay Value: To be honest, there's not much replay value in this, and the game is pretty short. I beat it in a little over an hour, but it can probably be beaten in 15 minutes. However, that makes it more fun to replay, since it is short, and challenging. Having only one continue also helps make the game last longer.

Fun: I had a lot of fun with this game. I consider it a masterpiece, and the best 3DS game I own. I say it's worth owning for anyone who likes a fun, friendly challenge.

Overall: This game is really good. At the price of $4, it is a steal.