Super Mario Land? It's just another remake of Super Mario Bros., which isn't a bad thing.

User Rating: 6.8 | Super Mario Land GB
Mario has been such a great success on the NES so Nintendo decided to put Mario on the Game boy. Mario's first game boy title retains the same side-scrolling platform mechanics in Super Mario Land. This game will feel a whole lot like Super Mario Bros. when you play due to some familiar elements. Nintendo have a different story to Super Mario Land by changing the setting to a different world, and making you rescue Princess Daisy instead of Princess Peach. Nintendo was better off keeping the story the same because that is what it basically is. The problem is that it is a little bit too similar to Super Mario Bros. and it makes you feel like you’ve done this before. Super Mario Land offers some great music including a catchy tune when running through levels. Super Mario Land still has the same NES graphics, but that should make gamers happy. If you are looking for an old school Super Mario Bros. for the game boy, Super Mario Land isn’t a bad choice. It’s just another Mario clone that Nintendo sadly made.