Holy hell this game is hard, but alot of fun

User Rating: 6 | Super Mario Land GB
Now we know that mario bros. is a old game and that the games are fairly easy now because now we have what we call a difficulty.Back then there was usually just one mode:Hard as hell mode. This was one of those games, and I respect that because now there easy and very easy so almost everyone picks those modes because they want to beat the game in a few hours instead of truly enjoying the game.This game is one of those game where you can only do one thing: Run like hell( with skill ) and kill everything in sight. I have played this game for years and I just now beat it, and thus my review begins.

Gameplay: Just what you would expect from a super mario game. You basically hop around and remove goombas and koopas from existance. The bosses( with the exception of the giant seahorse) all were killed the same: you just step on a switch and they blow up( pretty creative huh? ) oh I forgot to add that the last bosses die a little different, you actually fight them.
And when you beat the game you see a awkward ending and If you make a new game everything will be much more harder.

Graphics: Well this is a very very old game so you can't really judge the graphics so those of you who say the graphics are crap think about it: This game is really old so you got to give it so credit. I will say that the people actually look like people so I'll give it a good score for the graphics.

Sound: This was the first thing I noticed, The music was much different than the usual music.I also noticed that he still makes the same "boing" noise when he jumps and when you hit something it actually makes a noise and once again I can't judge the sound since the games is older than jesus.

Value: Mario is one of those games that you play several times despite the fact that you can beat the game in fifteen minuties If your good enough,so value should and would be a very high score.

Overall: This is a very good game for old school mario gamers and for those who like hard games because this is'nt a easy game for new gamers so It's hard to say who to recommend it to.