Super Mario land a little combo of fun and some boring.

User Rating: 8 | Super Mario Land GB
Super Mario Land is a good game but when you lose all your lives and restart the game it can get frustrating but one of the best levels was 2-3 you're in a submarine and shoot at the killer fish.

The game dosn't really have a storyline. You don't really know what's happening. The only time the game has a storyline is when you beat a boss.

But overall Super Mario Land is a great game if uou don't care about starting from the begining every time you lose all your lives the level design is great but you don't fight actual boss battles you just have to get past the boss and hit the button.Then the boss is suddenly destroyed.

Super Mario Land is not worth buying unless you get it under $10.00. But I recomend buying it now cause it's becoming harder to find. This game is one of the original game boy game you must buy.